Memory management

The zval structure has two roles: The first, which was described in the previous section, is to store a value and its type. The second, which will be covered in this section, is to efficiently manage those values in memory.

In the following we’ll have a look at the concepts of reference-counting and copy-on-write and find out how to make use of them in extension code.

Value- and reference-semantics

In PHP all values always have value-semantics, unless you explicitly ask for a reference. This means that whenever you pass a value to a function or assign one variable to another you’ll be working on two separate copies of the value. Some examples to make sure that this is clear:

$a = 1;
$b = $a;

// Only $a was incremented, $b stays as is:
var_dump($a, $b); // int(2), int(1)

function inc($n) {

$c = 1;

// The $c value outside the function and the $n inside the function are distinct
var_dump($c); // int(1)

While the above is rather obvious, it’s important to realize that this is a general rule that always holds. In particular this also applies to objects:

$obj = (object) ['value' => 1];

function fnByVal($val) {
    $val = 100;

function fnByRef(&$ref) {
    $ref = 100;

// The by-value function does not modify $obj, the by-reference function does:

var_dump($obj); // stdClass(value => 1)
var_dump($obj); // int(100)

People often say that objects are automatically passed by-reference since PHP 5, but as the above example shows this is not true: A by-value function cannot modify the value of the variable that was passed to it, only a by-reference function can do that.

It is true however that objects exhibit a “reference-like” behavior: While you can not assign a completely different value, you can still change the properties of the object. This is a result of the fact than an object value is just an ID that can be used to look up the “actual content” of the object. Value-semantics only prevent you from changing this ID to a different object or switching the type altogether, but they do not prevent you to change the “actual content” of the object.

The same applies to resources, because they also only store an ID which can be used to look up their actual value. So again the value-semantics prevent you from changing the resource ID or the type of the zval, but they do not prevent you from changing the content of the resource (like advancing the position in a file).

Reference-counting and copy-on-write

If you think about the above for a bit, you’ll come to the conclusion that PHP must be doing an awful lot of copying. Every time you pass something to a function the value needs to be copied. This may not be particularly problematic for an integer or a double, but imagine passing an array with ten million elements to a function. Copying millions of elements on every call would be prohibitively slow.

To avoid doing so, PHP employs the copy-on-write paradigm: A zval can be shared by multiple variables/functions/etc as long as it’s only read from and not modified. If one of the holders wants to modify it, the zval needs to be copied before applying any changes.

If one zval can be used in multiple places, PHP needs some way to find out when the zval is no longer used by anyone, in order to destroy (and free) it. PHP accomplishes this simply by keeping track of how often the zval is referenced. Note that “referenced” here has nothing to do with PHP references (as in &) and just means that something (a variable, function, etc) makes use of the zval. The number of references is called the refcount and stored in the refcount__gc member of the zval.

To understand how this works lets consider an example:

$a = 1;    // $a =           zval_1(value=1, refcount=1)
$b = $a;   // $a = $b =      zval_1(value=1, refcount=2)
$c = $b;   // $a = $b = $c = zval_1(value=1, refcount=3)

$a++;      // $b = $c = zval_1(value=1, refcount=2)
           // $a =      zval_2(value=2, refcount=1)

unset($b); // $c = zval_1(value=1, refcount=1)
           // $a = zval_2(value=2, refcount=1)

unset($c); // zval_1 is destroyed, because refcount=0
           // $a = zval_2(value=2, refcount=1)

The behavior is very straightforward: When a reference is added, increment the refcount, if a reference is removed, decrement it. If the refcount reaches 0, the zval is destroyed.

One case where this method does not work is the case of a circular reference:

$a = []; // $a = zval_1(value=[], refcount=1)
$b = []; // $b = zval_2(value=[], refcount=1)

$a[0] = $b; // $a = zval_1(value=[0 => zval_2], refcount=1)
            // $b = zval_2(value=[], refcount=2)
            // The refcount of zval_2 is incremented because it
            // is used in the array of zval_1

$b[0] = $a; // $a = zval_1(value=[0 => zval_2], refcount=2)
            // $b = zval_2(value=[0 => zval_1], refcount=2)
            // The refcount of zval_1 is incremented because it
            // is used in the array of zval_2

unset($a);  //      zval_1(value=[0 => zval_2], refcount=1)
            // $b = zval_2(value=[0 => zval_1], refcount=2)
            // The refcount of zval_1 is decremented, but the zval has
            // to stay alive because it's still referenced by zval_2

unset($b);  //      zval_1(value=[0 => zval_2], refcount=1)
            //      zval_2(value=[0 => zval_1], refcount=1)
            // The refcount of zval_2 is decremented, but the zval has
            // to stay alive because it's still referenced by zval_1

After the above code has run, we have reached a situation where we have two zvals that are not reachable by any variable, but are still kept alive because they reference each other. This is a classical example of where reference-counting fails.

To address this issue PHP has a second garbage collection mechanism: a cycle collector. We can safely ignore it for now, because the cycle collector (unlike the reference-counting mechanism) is mostly transparent to extension authors. If you wish to learn more on this topic, the PHP manual contains a short description of the algorithm.

Another case that has to be considered are “actual” PHP references (as in &$var, not the internal “references” we’ve been talking about above). To denote that a zval uses a PHP reference a boolean is_ref flag is used, which is stored in the is_ref__gc member of the zval structure.

An is_ref=1 flag on a zval signals that the zval should not be copied before modification. Instead code should directly modify the value:

$a = 1;   // $a =      zval_1(value=1, refcount=1, is_ref=0)
$b =& $a; // $a = $b = zval_1(value=1, refcount=2, is_ref=1)

$b++;     // $a = $b = zval_1(value=2, refcount=2, is_ref=1)
          // Due to the is_ref=1 PHP directly changes the zval
          // rather than making a copy

In the above example the zval of $a has refcount=1 before the reference is created. Now consider a very similar example where the original refcount is larger than one:

$a = 1;   // $a =           zval_1(value=1, refcount=1, is_ref=0)
$b = $a;  // $a = $b =      zval_1(value=1, refcount=2, is_ref=0)
$c = $b   // $a = $b = $c = zval_1(value=1, refcount=3, is_ref=0)

$d =& $c; // $a = $b = zval_1(value=1, refcount=2, is_ref=0)
          // $c = $d = zval_2(value=1, refcount=2, is_ref=1)
          // $d is a reference of $c, but *not* of $a and $b, so
          // the zval needs to be copied here. Now we have the
          // same zval once with is_ref=0 and once with is_ref=1.

$d++;     // $a = $b = zval_1(value=1, refcount=2, is_ref=0)
          // $c = $d = zval_2(value=2, refcount=2, is_ref=1)
          // Because there are two separate zvals $d++ does
          // not modify $a and $b (as expected).

As you can see &-referencing a zval with is_ref=0 and refcount>1 requires a copy. Similarly trying to use a zval with is_ref=1 and refcount>1 in a by-value context will require a copy. For this reason making use of PHP references usually slows code down: Nearly all functions in PHP use by-value passing semantics, so they will likely trigger a copy when an is_ref=1 zval is passed to them.

Allocating and initializing zvals

Now that you are familiar with the general concepts underlying zval memory management, we can move on to their practical implementation. Lets start with zval allocation:

zval *zv_ptr;

This code-snippets allocates a zval, but does not initialize its members. There is a variant of this macro used to allocate persistent zvals, which are not destroyed at the end of the request:

zval *zv_ptr;

The difference between the two macros is that the former makes use of emalloc() whereas the latter uses malloc(). It’s important to know though that trying to directly allocate zvals will not work:

/* This code is WRONG */
zval *zv_ptr = emalloc(sizeof(zval));

The reason is that the cycle collector needs to store some additional information in the zval, so the structure that needs to be allocated is actually not a zval but a zval_gc_info:

typedef struct _zval_gc_info {
    zval z;
    union {
        gc_root_buffer       *buffered;
        struct _zval_gc_info *next;
    } u;
} zval_gc_info;

The ALLOC_* macros will allocate a zval_gc_info and initialize its additional member, but afterwards the value can be transparently used as a zval (because the structure includes a zval as its first member).

After the zval has been allocated, it needs to be initialized. There are two macros to do this. The first one is INIT_PZVAL, which will set refcount=1 and is_ref=0 but leave the value uninitialized:

zval *zv_ptr;
/* zv_ptr has garbage type+value here */

The second macro is INIT_ZVAL which will also set refcount=1 and is_ref=0, but will additionally set the type to IS_NULL:

zval *zv_ptr;
/* zv_ptr has type=IS_NULL here */

INIT_PZVAL() accepts a zval* (thus the P in its name) whereas INIT_ZVAL() takes a zval. When passing a zval* to the latter macro it needs to be dereferenced first.

Because it is very common to both allocate and initialize a zval in one go, there are two macros which combine both steps:

zval *zv_ptr;
/* zv_ptr has garbage type+value here */

zval *zv_ptr;
/* zv_ptr has type=IS_NULL here */

MAKE_STD_ZVAL() combines allocation with INIT_PZVAL(), whereas ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL() combines it with INIT_ZVAL().

Managing the refcount and zval destruction

Once you have an allocated and initialized zval you can make use of the reference-counting mechanism introduced earlier. To manage the refcount PHP provides several macros:

Z_REFCOUNT_P(zv_ptr)      /* Get refcount */
Z_ADDREF_P(zv_ptr)        /* Increment refcount */
Z_DELREF_P(zv_ptr)        /* Decrement refcount */
Z_SET_REFCOUNT(zv_ptr, 1) /* Set refcount to some particular value (here 1) */

Just like the other Z_ macros these are available in variants without a suffix, with a _P suffix and with a _PP suffix, which accept a zval, a zval* and a zval** respectively.

The macro you will most commonly use is Z_ADDREF_P(). A small example:

zval *zv_ptr;
ZVAL_LONG(zv_ptr, 42);

add_index_zval(some_array, 0, zv_ptr);
add_assoc_zval(some_array, "num", zv_ptr);

The code inserts the integer 42 into an array at the index 0 and the key "num", so the zval will be used in two places. After the allocation and initialization done by MAKE_STD_ZVAL() the zval starts off with a refcount of 1. To use the same zval in two places it needs a refcount of 2, thus it has to be incremented using Z_ADDREF_P().

The complement macro Z_DELREF_P() on the other hand is used rather rarely: Usually just decrementing the refcount is not enough, because you have to check for the refcount==0 case where the zval needs to be destroyed and freed:

if (Z_REFCOUNT_P(zv_ptr) == 0) {

The zval_dtor() macro takes a zval* and destroys its value: If it is a string, the string will be freed, if it is an array, the HashTable will be destroyed and freed, if it is an object or resource, the refcount of their actual values is decremented (which again might lead to them being destroyed and freed).

Instead of writing the above code for checking the refcount yourself, you should use a second macro called zval_ptr_dtor():


This macro takes a zval** (for historical reasons, it could take a zval* just as well), decrements its refcount and checks whether the zval needs to be destroyed and freed. But unlike our manually written code above, it also includes support for the collection of circles. Here is the relevant part of its implementation:

static zend_always_inline void i_zval_ptr_dtor(zval *zval_ptr ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC TSRMLS_DC)
    if (!Z_DELREF_P(zval_ptr)) {
        ZEND_ASSERT(zval_ptr != &EG(uninitialized_zval));
    } else {
        if (Z_REFCOUNT_P(zval_ptr) == 1) {


Z_DELREF_P() returns the new refcount after it was decremented, so writing !Z_DELREF_P(zval_ptr) is the same as writing Z_DELREF_P(zval_ptr) followed by a check for Z_REFCOUNT_P(zval_ptr) == 0.

Apart from doing the expected zval_dtor() and efree() operations the code also calls two GC_* macros handling cycle collection and asserts that &EG(uninitialized_zval) is never freed (this is a magic zval used by the engine).

Furthermore the code also sets is_ref=0 if there is only one reference left to the zval. Leaving is_ref=1 in this case wouldn’t really make sense because the concept of a & PHP reference only becomes meaningful when two or more holders share a zval.

Some hints on the usage of these macros: You should not use Z_DELREF_P() at all (it’s only applicable in situations where you can guarantee that the zval neither needs to be destroyed nor is a possible root for a circle). Instead you should use zval_ptr_dtor() whenever you want to decrement the refcount. The zval_dtor() macro is typically used with temporary, stack-allocated zvals:

zval zv;

/* Do something with zv here */


A temporary zval allocated on the stack cannot be shared because it is freed at the end of the block, as such it cannot make use of refcounting and can be destroyed indiscriminately using zval_dtor().

Copying zvals

While the copy-on-write mechanism can save a lot of zval copies, they do have to happen at some point, e.g. if you want to change the value of the zval or transfer it to another storage location.

PHP provides a large number of copying macros for various use cases, the simplest one being ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(), which just copies the value and type members of a zval:

zval *zv_src;
ZVAL_STRING(zv_src, "test", 1);

zval *zv_dest;
ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(zv_dest, zv_src);

At this point zv_dest will have the same type and value as zv_src. Note that “same value” here means that both zvals are using the same string value (char*), i.e. if the zv_src zval is destroyed the string value will be freed and zv_dest will be left with a dangling pointer to the freed string. To avoid this the zval copy constructor zval_copy_ctor() needs to be invoked:

zval *zv_dest;
ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(zv_dest, zv_src);

zval_copy_ctor() will do a fully copy of the zval value, i.e. if it is a string the char* will be copied, if it is an array the HashTable* is copied and if it is an object or resource their internal reference counts are incremented.

The only thing that is missing now is the initialization of the refcount and the is_ref flag. This could be done using the INIT_PZVAL() macro or by making use of MAKE_STD_ZVAL() instead of ALLOC_ZVAL(). Another alternative is to use INIT_PZVAL_COPY() instead of ZVAL_COPY_VALUE() which combines doing a copy with refcount/is_ref initialization:

zval *zv_dest;
INIT_PZVAL_COPY(zv_dest, zv_src);

As the combination of INIT_PZVAL_COPY() and zval_copy_ctor() is very common, both are combined in the MAKE_COPY_ZVAL() macro:

zval *zv_dest;
MAKE_COPY_ZVAL(&zv_src, zv_dest);

This macro has a bit of a tricky signature, because it swaps the argument order (the destination is now the second argument rather than the first) and also requires the source to be a zval**. Once again this is just a historic artifact and doesn’t make any technical sense whatsoever.

Apart from these basic copying macros there are several more complicated ones. The most important is ZVAL_ZVAL, which is especially common when returning zvals from a function. It has the following signature:

ZVAL_ZVAL(zv_dest, zv_src, copy, dtor)

The copy parameter specifies whether zval_copy_ctor() should be called on the destination zval and dtor determines whether zval_ptr_dtor() is called on the source zval. Let’s go through all four possible combinations of those values and analyze the behavior. The simplest case is setting both copy and dtor to zero:

ZVAL_ZVAL(zv_dest, zv_src, 0, 0);
/* equivalent to: */
ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(zv_dest, zv_src)

In this case ZVAL_ZVAL() becomes a simple ZVAL_COPY_VALUE() call. As such using this macro with 0,0 arguments doesn’t really make sense. A more useful variant is copy=1, dtor=0:

ZVAL_ZVAL(zv_dest, zv_src, 1, 0);
/* equivalent to: */
ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(zv_dest, zv_src);

This is basically a normal zval copy analog to MAKE_COPY_ZVAL(), only without the INIT_PZVAL() step. This is useful when copying into zvals that are already initialized (e.g. return_value). Additionally setting dtor=1 only adds a zval_ptr_dtor() call:

ZVAL_ZVAL(zv_dest, zv_src, 1, 1);
/* equivalent to: */
ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(zv_dest, zv_src);

The most interesting case is the copy=0, dtor=1 combination:

ZVAL_ZVAL(zv_dest, zv_src, 0, 1);
/* equivalent to: */
ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(zv_dest, zv_src);

This constitutes a zval “move”, where the value from zv_src is moved into zv_dest without having to invoke the copy constructor. This is something that should only be done if zv_src has refcount=1, in which case the zval will be destroyed by the zval_ptr_dtor() call. If it has a higher refcount the zval will stay alive with a NULL value.

There are two further macros for copying zvals, namely COPY_PZVAL_TO_ZVAL() and REPLACE_ZVAL_VALUE(). Both are used rather rarely and will not be discussed here.

Separating zvals

The macros described above are mainly used when you want to copy a zval to another storage location. A typical example is copying a value into the return_value zval. There is a second set of macros for “zval separation”, which are used in the context of copy-on-write. Their functionality is best understood by looking at the source code:

#define SEPARATE_ZVAL(ppzv)                     \
    do {                                        \
        if (Z_REFCOUNT_PP((ppzv)) > 1) {        \
            zval *new_zv;                       \
            Z_DELREF_PP(ppzv);                  \
            ALLOC_ZVAL(new_zv);                 \
            INIT_PZVAL_COPY(new_zv, *(ppzv));   \
            *(ppzv) = new_zv;                   \
            zval_copy_ctor(new_zv);             \
        }                                       \
    } while (0)

If the refcount is one, SEPARATE_ZVAL() won’t do anything. If the refcount is larger, it will remove one ref from the old zval, copy it to a new zval and assign that new zval to *ppzv. Note that the macro accepts a zval** and will modify which zval* it points to.

How is this used practically? Imagine you want to modify an array offset like $array[42]. To do so, you first fetch the zval** pointer to the stored zval* value. Due to the reference-counting you can’t directly modify it (as it could be shared with other places), it needs to be separated first. The separation will either leave the old zval if the refcount is one or it will perform a copy. In the latter case the new zval is assigned to *ppzv, which in this case is the storage location in the array.

Doing a simple copy with MAKE_COPY_ZVAL() wouldn’t be sufficient here because the copied zval would not actually be the zval stored in the array.

Directly using SEPARATE_ZVAL() before performing a zval modification doesn’t yet account for the case where the zval has is_ref=1, in which case the separation should not occur. To handle this case lets first look at the macros PHP provides to handle the is_ref flag:

Z_ISREF_P(zv_ptr)           /* Get if zval is reference */

Z_SET_ISREF_P(zv_ptr)       /* Set is_ref=1 */
Z_UNSET_ISREF_P(zv_ptr)     /* Set is_ref=0 */

Z_SET_ISREF_TO_P(zv_ptr, 1) /* Same as Z_SET_ISREF_P(zv_ptr) */
Z_SET_ISREF_TO_P(zv_ptr, 0) /* Same as Z_UNSET_ISREF_P(zv_ptr) */

Once again the macros are available in variants without suffix, _P suffix and _PP suffix, accepting a zval, zval* or zval** respectively. Furthermore there is an older PZVAL_IS_REF() macro which is synonymous with Z_ISREF_P().

Using these PHP provides two more variants of SEPARATE_ZVAL():

#define SEPARATE_ZVAL_IF_NOT_REF(ppzv)      \
    if (!PZVAL_IS_REF(*ppzv)) {             \
        SEPARATE_ZVAL(ppzv);                \

    if (!PZVAL_IS_REF(*ppzv)) {             \
        SEPARATE_ZVAL(ppzv);                \
        Z_SET_ISREF_PP((ppzv));             \

SEPARATE_ZVAL_IF_NOT_REF() is the macro you’d usually use when modifying a zval according to copy-on-write. SEPARATE_ZVAL_TO_MAKE_IS_REF() is used when you want to turn a zval into a reference (e.g. for a by-reference assignment or by-reference argument pass.) The latter is mainly used by the engine and only rarely in extension code.

There is another macro in the SEPARATE family, which works a bit differently from the other ones:

#define SEPARATE_ARG_IF_REF(varptr) \
    if (PZVAL_IS_REF(varptr)) { \
        zval *original_var = varptr; \
        ALLOC_ZVAL(varptr); \
        INIT_PZVAL_COPY(varptr, original_var); \
        zval_copy_ctor(varptr); \
    } else { \
        Z_ADDREF_P(varptr); \

The first difference is that this macro takes a zval* rather than a zval**. As such it will not be able to modify the zval* it separates. Furthermore this macro already increments the refcount for you, whereas the SEPARATE_ZVAL macros do not.

Apart from this it basically complements SEPARATE_ZVAL_IF_NO_REF(): This time the separation happens when the zval is a reference. It’s mainly used to make sure that an argument passed to a function is a value, not a reference.