Simple classes

Basic concepts

Zvals store objects using the IS_OBJECT type tag and the zend_object_value structure in the union, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct _zend_object_value {
    zend_object_handle handle;
    const zend_object_handlers *handlers;
} zend_object_value;

The first part of the structure, the zend_object_handle, is just a typedef for an unsigned integer. It is an ID uniquely identifying the object and is used to fetch the actual object data from the object store.

The second part is a pointer to a structure of object handlers. These handlers define the actual behavior of the object. They cover everything from property fetches and method calls to custom comparison handling or even special garbage collection semantics.

When called, the individual handlers get passed the object zval as the first argument, followed by various handler-specific information. They can then use the object handle to fetch the object data from the object store and do operations on it.

The complementary structure to the object value is the class entry (zend_class_entry). Class entries contain a large amount of information, including the class methods and static properties as well as various handlers, in particular a handler for creating objects from the class.

Class registration

Just like functions classes are registered in the extension’s MINIT handler. Here is a snippet for declaring an empty Test class:

zend_class_entry *test_ce;

const zend_function_entry test_functions[] = {

    zend_class_entry tmp_ce;
    INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(tmp_ce, "Test", test_functions);

    test_ce = zend_register_internal_class(&tmp_ce TSRMLS_CC);

    return SUCCESS;

The first line declares a global variable test_ce, which will hold the class entry of the Test class. It is a “true” global variable (without thread safety protection) and should additionally be exported via the header file, so that other extensions can make use of the class. The following three lines declare an array for the class methods, just like you would do for normal functions.

Then the main code follows: First a temporary class entry value tmp_ce is defined and then initialized using INIT_CLASS_ENTRY. After that the class is registered in the Zend Engine using zend_register_internal_class. This function also returns the final class entry, so it can be stored in the global variable declared above.

To test that the class was registered properly you can run php --rc Test, which should give an output along the following lines:

Class [ <internal:test> class Test ] {
  - Constants [0] {
  - Static properties [0] {
  - Static methods [0] {
  - Properties [0] {
  - Methods [0] {

As expected what you get is a totally empty class.

Method definition and declaration

To bring it to life let’s add a method:

PHP_METHOD(Test, helloWorld) /* {{{ */
    if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) {

    RETURN_STRING("Hello World\n", 1);
/* }}} */

ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_void, 0, 0, 0)

const zend_function_entry test_functions[] = {
    PHP_ME(Test, helloWorld, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)

As you can see a method declaration looks very similar to a function declaration. Instead of PHP_FUNCTION we use PHP_METHOD and pass it both the class and method name. In the zend_function_entry array PHP_ME is used instead of PHP_FE. It again takes the class name, the method name, the arginfo struct and additionally a set of flags.

The flags parameter allows you to specify the usual PHP method modifiers using a combination of ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC, ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED, ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE, ZEND_ACC_STATIC, ZEND_ACC_FINAL and ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT. For example a protected final static method would be declared as follows:

    Test, protectedFinalStaticMethod, arginfo_xyz,

As abstract methods do not have an associated implementation the ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT flag is not used directly. Instead a special macro is provided:

PHP_ABSTRACT_ME(Test, abstractMethod, arginfo_abc)

Analogous to what happens for PHP_FUNCTION the PHP_METHOD macro expands into a function declaration with a special name, which you may encounter when looking at backtraces within method calls:

PHP_METHOD(ClassName, methodName) { }
/* expands to */
void zim_ClassName_methodName(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS) { }

But now, let’s get back to writing methods. Here is another one:

PHP_METHOD(Test, getOwnObjectHandle)
    zval *obj;

    if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) {

    obj = getThis();


    PHP_ME(Test, getOwnObjectHandle, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)

This method does nothing more than return the object’s own object handle. To do this it first grabs the $this zval using the getThis() macro and then returns the object handle provided by Z_OBJ_HANDLE_P. Try it out:

$t1 = new Test;
$other = new stdClass;
$t2 = new Test;
echo $t1, "\n", $t2, "\n";

This will (probably) output the numbers 1 and 3, so you can see that the object handle is basically just a number which is incremented with every new object. (This isn’t exactly true because object handles can be reused again once the associated objects are destroyed.)

Properties and constants

To do something more useful, let’s create two methods for reading from and writing to a property:

PHP_METHOD(Test, getFoo)
    zval *obj, *foo_value;

    if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) {

    obj = getThis();

    foo_value = zend_read_property(test_ce, obj, "foo", sizeof("foo") - 1, 1 TSRMLS_CC);

    RETURN_ZVAL(foo_value, 1, 0);

PHP_METHOD(Test, setFoo)
    zval *obj, *new_foo_value;

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &new_foo_value) == FAILURE) {

    obj = getThis();

    zend_update_property(test_ce, obj, "foo", sizeof("foo") - 1, new_foo_value TSRMLS_CC);

// ...

ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_void, 0, 0, 0)

ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_set, 0, 0, 1)
    ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, value)

// ...
    PHP_ME(Test, getFoo, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
    PHP_ME(Test, setFoo, arginfo_set, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
// ...

The two new functions in the above code are zend_read_property() and zend_update_property(). Both functions take the scope as first parameter, the object as second and the property name and length after that. The “scope” here is a class entry and is necessary for visibility handling. If foo is a public property the used scope doesn’t matter (it could just as well be NULL), but if it were a private property we could only access it with the class entry of the class it belongs to.

zend_update_property() additionally takes the new value for the property as last parameter. zend_read_property() on the other hand takes an additional boolean silent parameter. It specifies whether PHP should suppress the “Undefined property xyz” notice. In our case we don’t know whether the property exists beforehand, so we pass 1 (meaning: no notice).

We can try the new functionality out:

$t = new Test;
var_dump($t->getFoo()); // NULL (and no notice, because we passed silent=1)

var_dump($t->foo);      // "abc"
var_dump($t->getFoo()); // "abc"

$t->foo = "def";
var_dump($t->foo);      // "def"
var_dump($t->getFoo()); // "def"

zend_update_property() also comes in several variants that allow setting specific values more easily (i.e. without manually creating a zval):

  • zend_update_property_null(... TSRMLS_DC)

  • zend_update_property_bool(..., long value TSRMLS_DC)

  • zend_update_property_long(..., long value TSRMLS_DC)

  • zend_update_property_double(..., double value TSRMLS_DC)

  • zend_update_property_string(..., const char *value TSRMLS_DC)

  • zend_update_property_stringl(..., const char *value, int value_len TSRMLS_DC)

In the above example we had to use the silent=1 parameter, because we didn’t have the guarantee that the foo property would exist when we read it. A better way to solve this is to properly declare the property when the class is registered, just like you would write public $foo = DEFAULT_VALUE; in PHP.

This is done using the zend_declare_property() function family, which features the same variants as zend_update_property(). For example to declare a public foo property with a null default value we have to add the following line after the class registration in MINIT:

zend_declare_property_null(test_ce, "foo", sizeof("foo") - 1, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC TSRMLS_CC);

To create a protected property defaulting to the string "bar" you instead write:

    test_ce, "foo", sizeof("foo") - 1, "bar", ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED TSRMLS_CC

If you want to use properties (and you will soon find that this is only rarely necessary for internal classes) it is always good practice to properly declare properties. This way you have an explicit visibility level, a default value and you also benefit from memory optimizations for declared properties.

Static properties are also declared using the same family of functions by additionally specifying the ZEND_ACC_STATIC flag. A public static $pi property:

    test_ce, "pi", sizeof("pi") - 1, 3.141, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC TSRMLS_CC
/* All digits of pi I remember :( */

To read and update static properties there are the zend_read_static_property() function and the zend_update_static_property() function family. They have the same interface as the functions for normal properties, only difference being that no object is passed (only the scope).

To declare constants the zend_declare_class_constant_*() family of functions is used. They have the same variations and signatures as zend_declare_property_*(), only without the flags argument. To declare a constant ‘’Test::PI’’:

zend_declare_class_constant_double(test_ce, "PI", sizeof("PI") - 1, 3.141 TSRMLS_CC);

Inheritance and interfaces

Just like their userland equivalents internal classes can also inherit from other classes and/or implement interfaces.

A very simple (and quite common) example of inheritance in the PHP tree is creating some custom subtype of Exception:

zend_class_entry *custom_exception_ce;

    zend_class_entry tmp_ce;
    INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(tmp_ce, "CustomException", NULL);
    custom_exception_ce = zend_register_internal_class_ex(
        &tmp_ce, zend_exception_get_default(TSRMLS_C), NULL TSRMLS_CC

    return SUCCESS;

The new thing here is the use of zend_register_internal_class_ex() (with the _ex), which does the same thing as zend_register_internal_class(), but additionally allows you to specify the parent class entry. Here the parent CE is fetched using zend_exception_get_default(TSRMLS_C). Another detail worth pointing out is that we did not define a function structure and instead just passed NULL as the last argument to INIT_CLASS_ENTRY. This means that we don’t want any additional methods, apart from those that are inherited from Exception.

If you want to extend a more specific SPL extension class like RuntimeException you can also do so:

#ifdef HAVE_SPL
#include "ext/spl/spl_exceptions.h"

zend_class_entry *custom_exception_ce;

    zend_class_entry tmp_ce;
    INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(tmp_ce, "CustomException", NULL);

#ifdef HAVE_SPL
    custom_exception_ce = zend_register_internal_class_ex(
        &tmp_ce, spl_ce_RuntimeException, NULL TSRMLS_CC
    custom_exception_ce = zend_register_internal_class_ex(
        &tmp_ce, zend_exception_get_default(TSRMLS_C), NULL TSRMLS_CC

    return SUCCESS;

The above code conditionally either inherits from RuntimeException or - if SPL is not compiled in - from just Exception. The class entry for RuntimeException is externed in the header ext/spl/spl_exceptions.h, so it has to be included as well.

The last parameter of zend_register_internal_class_ex() which was set to NULL in the above cases, is an alternative way to specify the parent class: If you don’t have the class entry available you can specify the class name:

custom_exception_ce = zend_register_internal_class_ex(
    &tmp_ce, spl_ce_RuntimeException, NULL TSRMLS_CC
/* can also be written as */
custom_exception_ce = zend_register_internal_class_ex(
    &tmp_ce, NULL, "RuntimeException" TSRMLS_CC

In practice you should prefer the first variant though. The second form is only useful if you have some misbehaved extension that forgot to export the class entry.

Just like you can inherit from other classes you can also implement interfaces. For this the variadic zend_class_implements() functions is used:

#include "ext/spl/spl_iterators.h"
#include "zend_interfaces.h"

zend_class_entry *data_class_ce;

PHP_METHOD(DataClass, count) { /* ... */ }

const zend_function_entry data_class_functions[] = {
    PHP_ME(DataClass, count, arginfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
    /* ... */

    zend_class_entry tmp_ce;
    INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(tmp_ce, "DataClass", data_class_functions);
    data_class_ce = zend_register_internal_class(&tmp_ce TSRMLS_CC);

    /* DataClass implements Countable, ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate */
        data_class_ce TSRMLS_CC, 3, spl_ce_Countable, zend_ce_arrayaccess, zend_ce_aggregate

    return SUCCESS;

As you can see zend_class_implements() takes the class entry, TSRMLS_CC, the number of interfaces to implement and then the class entries of the interfaces. E.g. if you wanted to additionally implement Serializable:

    data_class_ce TSRMLS_CC, 4,
    spl_ce_Countable, zend_ce_arrayaccess, zend_ce_aggregate, zend_ce_serializable

You can obviously also create your own interfaces. Interfaces are registered in the same way as classes are, but using the zend_register_internal_interface() function and declaring all methods as abstract. E.g. if you wanted to create a new ReversibleIterator interface that extends Iterator and additionally specifies a prev method, this is how you would do it:

#include "zend_interfaces.h"

zend_class_entry *reversible_iterator_ce;

const zend_function_entry reversible_iterator_functions[] = {
    PHP_ABSTRACT_ME(ReversibleIterator, prev, arginfo_void)

    zend_class_entry tmp_ce;
    INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(tmp_ce, "ReversibleIterator", reversible_iterator_functions);
    reversible_iterator_ce = zend_register_internal_interface(&tmp_ce TSRMLS_CC);

    /* ReversibleIterator extends Iterator. For interface inheritance the zend_class_implements()
     * function is used. */
    zend_class_implements(reversible_iterator_ce TSRMLS_CC, 1, zend_ce_iterator);

    return SUCCESS;

Internal interfaces have a bit of additional power that userland interfaces don’t have - but I’ll leave that for a bit later.